My newest full length album is out now!

I'm very proud to announce, T H E S I S.

T H E S I S is an album that is the product of years of experimentation and endless knowledge-seeking. I set out in late 2016 with the idea of creating an album that was a sort of benchmark for my abilities as a composer - utilizing the tools and lessons I've learned up to this point in my career.

I wanted to see how far I'd come, and how far I could still go.

I wanted it to be personal.

Album art by Anders Lönnfeldt

Album art by Anders Lönnfeldt

With my goal being to create something showcasing the extent of my abilities in the cinematic and ambient genres, I struggled more with this project than any other. It's sometimes hard to accept your limitations or to work through them in the pursuit of something that is better than "good enough".

It was a humbling experience, but also one of which I am extremely proud.

I hope you enjoy my thesis, my journey so far, my heart poured into audio waves, my take on cinematic music as a crucial support for storytelling, 

